Characteristics of Microcline

Characteristics of Microcline:

Chemical Name: Potassium aluminosilicate

Formula: KAlSi3O8

Colors: White, pale yellow, green, blue-green

Structure: Triclinic

Hardness: 6.0-6.5

Specific Gravity: 2.6

Refractive Index: 1.52-1.53

Lustre: Vitreous

Streak: White

Locations: Russia, USA, Brazil


What is Microcline? 

Microcline is one of the most common potassium aluminosilicate feldspar minerals; the other is orthoclase. Blue-green to green specimens of Microcline are called amazon stone or amazonite. Although deep blue-green is the most sought-after color, it varies from yellow-green to blue-green and may exhibit white streaks. Gem material is usually opaque and is cut en cabochon; it is rarely used for carvings or beads, being relatively brittle. Gem-quality amazonite is found in Minas Gerais in Brazil, Colorado in the US, and the Ural Mountains in Russia.


The name “Microcline” originates from the Greek for “small slope”.


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