Characteristics of Marble
Characteristics of Marble:
Rock Type: Regional or contact metamorphic
Structure: Crystalline
Major Minerals: Calcite
Minor Minerals: Diopside, tremolite, actinolite
Colors: White, pink
Texture: Fine to coarse
What is Marble?
A granular rock derived from limestone or dolomite, Marble consists of a mass of interlocking calcite or dolomite grains. Pure Marble is white. Other types take their commo names from their color or mineral impurities. These impurities tend to occur as layers of other minerals thinly interbedded in the original limestone, so may be present as bands or swirls. Other veined and patterned Marbles are created when an existing example is cracked or shattered, and the spaces between the fragments fill in with calcite or other minerals.