Characteristics of Celestine
Characteristics of Celestine:
Chemical Name: Strontium sulfate
Formula: SrSO4
Colors: Colorless, red, green, blue
Structure: Orthorhombic
Hardness: 3-3.5
Specific Gravity: 4.0
Refractive Index: 1.62-1.64
Lustre: Vitreous, pearly on clevage
Streak: White
Locations: USA, Namibia, Madagascar
What is Celestine?
Celestine often forms beautiful, transparent, light to medium-blue crystals – if it were harder and more durable, it might be one of the world’s favorite gemstones. It takes its names from the Latin coelestis, meaning “heavenly”, an illusion to its “heavenly” sky-blue crystals. Because Celestine is soft and easily broken, it is faceted only for collectors and museums by skilled lapidaries. Single crystals are sometimes sold as pendants, but they are too fragile for general wear. Facet-grade material is found in Namibia and Madagascar.